Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Painting the elephant pink

The interview with Ustaz Azrul, Section 23 surau chairman today, went well. We had a general idea on the residents perceptions about the relocation of Section 19 temple to the area. Azrul also talked about the cow-head protest and the unruly dialogue session at MBSA hall, which he had attended.

(I couldn't get the Section 19 temple association chairman. He is out of the country on a business trip. We have to make do without him for now.)

After the interview, we discussed about what Azrul had said:  “Ini bukan isu agama, bukan isu kaum. Ini isu politik.”

How? Sheridan grinned.

We are not doing a political documentary.

It is like having an elephant in the living room. And we are going to paint the entire room to match the elephant, so that we don't have to see it, he said.

We are writing about the people, I said.

Hahahaha. He laughed. Elephant in the living room. Hahahahaha.

In my mind, I saw a pink elephant lounging in a pink room.

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